The hardest thing to understand is Tax- a famous author left behind his words. It indeed a great deal of task to comprehend taxes. But do you have to worry when you have at your bay? Estimated 15.5 million trucks operate in the U.S. in which 2 million are tractor-trailers. And among, which with passing time, more and more number of trucks are reported online for form 2290 - Truck Taxes. And we are dealing with the most loyal customers and the very pleasant American Truckers.
You must file IRS Form 2290 if a taxable highway motor vehicle is registered, or required to be registered, in your name or business under state, District of Columbia, Canadian, or Mexican law at the time of its first use during the tax period (July) and the vehicle has a taxable gross weight of 55,000 pounds or more.
Every form has its due dates, and the same implies to form 2290 as well. The tax season to prepare Truck Taxes and file form 2290 is applicable from July 1st of every calendar year to 31st of August. However, if the due date is falling on a weekend or a public holiday, the next business day is treated as the last day to file your tax return form 2290.
Also, if you own 25 or more vehicles, you are mandate to efile your tax truck due only online. Every other trucker is encouraged by IRS to do it online for various reasons. By doing 2290’s online you can collect your IRS stamped Schedule 1within minutes.
As we have told you before, there are two major due dates you need to remember. The first one is for first time used vehicles. The due date falls the second month of the first use. That is, if you have taken your vehicle out in the month of May, you are liable to pay form 2290 by the end of June. And the second due date is the renewal filing for IRS form 2290. The tax season falls on 1st of July and last till 30th of August in a tax period. If you fail to pay by the due date, you are liable to pay taxes with penalties and interest as per the rules of IRS.
Below is the table for better tax filing.
GROSS WEIGHT (TAXABLE) | 2290 Tax Liability rate | 2290 Tax Liability rate |
Truck Below 55,000 lbs | No 2290 Tax Liabilities | No 2290 Tax Liabilities |
Gross Weight between 55,000 lbs to 75,000 lbs | Gross Weight between 55,000 lbs to 75,000 lbs | $75 plus $16.5 per 1000 lbs over 55,000 lbs |
Gross Weight Over 75,000 lbs | Gross Weight Over 75,000 lbss | Gross Weight Over 75,000 lbs |
There is no tax if you are going to be driving the vehicles for less than 5,000 miles (7,500 miles if you have the agriculture number plates).
Are your thoughts ticking on something? We know what. The benefits you are applicable are many and each of it only for $ 7.99. You must be wondering every other tax service provider charge us a bomb and we just 7 dollars. Well, yes, it’s the truth that we charge only minimal for two main reasons: customer loyalty and value for money.
As a single vehicle owner-operator, we understand how important it is to manage your time and money. We’re here to help. We believe very strongly in solid, long-term customer relationships, which do not build on the money factor. Our business model is developed with the business mind of better features, better service and better application for a real less money- Just $ 7.99. You can still efile, remain privileged with the same set of features and everything that implies to every customer at
We believe, this approach helps us in establish long-term customer relationships, repeat renewal filings and through word of mouth, customer referrals. We’re in this for the long haul and we hope you are too.